So anyway, I digress. We have several things going on if you are in the area. And before I go further, a big HELLO to Victoria and Claire, both who have come a-visiting in recent days. Both fellow bloggers and readers-of-bloggers!
Right, so, we have made several billion red nose topped fairy cakes for sale, of which all proceeds are going in the bucket. Very popular with small people in particular. One of the girls who works with us has a sneaky habit of asking small people (in her very best small people sing-song voice) if they would like a 'special cake' with 'a special cherry on top' No child (or parent) has been unable to refuse. Naughty yet effective. Well they are only small, and it IS for charity.
Secondly we are holding a 'Silent Cake Auction'. If any of you are Terry Wogan fans you may have heard him giving our humble cafe a mention this morning.....
For some reason I am struggling to link you directly to the relevant piece, but if you can be bothered, we are mentioned at approx 8.30am( or one hour and seven minutes on iPlayer, just to be specific! just after Girls Aloud!
Now the weirdest thing of all was that five minutes later the door opened, the first customer of the day walked in and announced that she had to come in because she had just heard Terry talking about us! And then her mobile rang and it was her husband saying "You know that cafe we keep meaning to go to, well Terry Wogan has just mentioned it on the radio!" Much laughter excitement and jumping up and down was had. Cue second customer of the day, Marton, a regular and a very nice chap indeed. "Have you heard Terry Wogan this morning?" I joked.
"Yes, I have, here you are" and he thrust a poster at me that he had made. There, in full colour, a picture of Sir Terry and a write up,
'Silent Cake Auction held here, and Mrs F's legendary Guinness Cake, as mentioned by Terry Wogan'. What a lovely lovely thing to do. All splendid stuff.
The Silent Cake Auction, by the way, is where people make secret bids on a cake of their choice (off a list supplied by us) pop it in the bucket with a donation, and then on Saturday we see who has bid the most for each cake. Those people then pay the money pledged and we make the cake whenever they want. So if they have a special occassion, people coming to stay etc. then they can have a freshly made cake for the event. We have had lots of very generous bids, which is fabulous.
"Eurgh, God no! Get me a tea cake, will ya? In fact, what the heck's a tea cake? Is it like a scone?" Hmm. How to make friends.....He got his tea cake, and ate half of it. Such a waste. Should have had the Guinness Cake.
Thankfully lots of other people(including Irish!) did sample said cake and LOVED it. Oh, it really does taste so very good. It's a Nigella recipe, I believe, but I just googled Guinness Cake many moons ago and came up with the recipe that I use. I made a second one this afternoon, ready for tomorrow.
I just listened to your mention on Terry via your link, oh you are so famous now!
Good luck with selling those scruumy looking cakes, though I think I'd have to plump for a shortbread myself. Hope you raise oodles of dosh for such a great cause.
Take care
Lisa x
How brilliant being mentioned by Terry!!
The guiness cake looks and sounds wonderful, me being a huge fan of the stuff! Yum! x
that's all brilliant Anna, good for you!!! Well done on getting a mention with Terry too - that's fantastic
April xx
Ooooh! The fame!
Lovely fundraising ideas. I have a collection of small people coming for lunch on Friday and I bet they'd like red nose cakes. So would I!
Oh wow your cafe is famous now how exciting is that sir Terry himslf talking about your cafe!!
What a great idea your auction is -hope you make lot's of money. My Steven loves guinness your cake looks fab!
Oooh, can I have your autograph? Being mentioned by Terry Wogan is quite a coup! It sounds like you are now becoming quite a fixture in the local community, and that is surely the biggest sign of success? I'm really pleased for you and your Mr.
Hope you raise loads of dosh for the great cause.
oh my celebrity status now!!! hope it brings you lots of happy custumers, and good luck with the cake auction what a great idea. xxx
Well done for the mention on Terry's show! Hope it brings you heaps more business. Those cakes look fabulous. Save me one for when I am mobile again!!
See you soon
Cathy XX
That gentleman obviously had no taste at all! Perhaps you should just have given him the leftover can of guiness! xx
The Guinness cake looks yummy.Good on you for your charity efforts.
I just came across your blog and I love it! I'll be back for more cake xx
That Guinness cake looks fab! Although like you, I'm a bit shy of Guinness. And love the red nose day cakes! Definitely wouldn't have to be a small person to enjoy one of those :) K x
how exciting being on the radio! Well done to you. Hope you get to raise lots of money. My son's having a Comic Relief bake sale today, so we've done the red nose fairy cake thing, although yours look a lot better I have to say!!xx
Hey Anna, Sorry I've not popped in these last couple of weeks. Mum came to visit so I was the three counties tourguide! I shall return for some knitting on Tuesday and no doubt will see you then. Sorry to hear you have a nasty lurker leaving you yucky emails - boo hiss to them, leave our lovely Anna alone!
ps I've signed up for the Evesham sewing course - will you be able to manage it? Its 7-9pm on Tuesdays xx
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