Ahh, yes, so as per usual I have been VERY busy in the garden and at the allotment, producing all manner of wonderful vegetables and flowers....

There was so much to look at it, and it really is an amazing place to go if you are into gardening.
I came away with loads of ideas, the main one being that I am going to put vegetables in with flowers this year in our back garden, as well as at the allotment. We have a small garden but borders all around, and quite a large patio, so there is quite a bit of space that can be filled.
Ok, so not really. For a very fabulous birthday surprise last week the lovely husband took me on a surprise trip to the Chelsea Flower Show. What made it even better was that I had spent the previous few evenings watching it on television and saying "ooh, we really must go next year" whilst he sat quietly next to me knowing that he had surprise tickets and picnic hampers at the ready.
I came away with loads of ideas, the main one being that I am going to put vegetables in with flowers this year in our back garden, as well as at the allotment. We have a small garden but borders all around, and quite a large patio, so there is quite a bit of space that can be filled.
So far we have courgettes, cucumbers, tomatoes, squashes, pumpkins, kohl rabi, french beans and peas. I bought a couple of packets of seeds back with me which have gone straight into pots.
The allotment has rhubarb, peas, broad beans, potatoes, asparagus, raspberries, strawberries, gooseberries, blackberries, carrots, parnsips and a kiwi plant.
I don't think any of us will be suffering from vitamin deficiency any time soon. Hopefully we'll save a small fortune as well!